Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer Dress

summer dresses

Keep Summer Dress at the Beach: How to Create a Dress Policy For Your Company

by Melissa Mashtonio

Dress codes or policies may seem to stifle individuality and lead to tension in an office, but if done properly, such regulations can have the opposite effect. Dress codes ensure the happiness of the employer by helping the company shape its image and create a work-focused atmosphere rather than one of relaxing at home. Additionally, dress codes can hinder problems of sexual harassment by requiring modest dress and eliminate Worker's Compensation claims that arise from unsafe dress.

Employees also benefit from dress regulations as it takes the guess work out of getting dressed for the job. A team environment is created as all employees are dressing similarly, creating a feeling of unity within the office. Also, uniform dress codes can ease tensions caused by coworkers criticizing the dress of one another as too fancy or too sloppy.

When setting a dress code, an employer should keep in mind that there is no set policy for every company. Dress regulations vary depending on the type of workplace; a factory would require different attire than an office, for example.

General regulations for an office environment include ruling out overly casual or revealing clothing such as mini skirts and see-through fabrics. Any regulations about piercings, tattoos, and hairstyles should be included in a dress code as well as any restrictions on perfumes and colognes. When creating a dress policy, it also may be helpful to consult employees as well as customers about what they think is appropriate. Changes can always be made to a dress code, and allowing employee input will make the policy seem less restrictive. It also may be helpful to look at the dress policies of similar companies in order to create a new dress policy.

summer dresses

Once a dress code has been created, it is important to make all employees aware of the policy. Periodic reminders of the dress policy are helpful, especially at the onset of summer. The most important factor in implementing a dress policy is for the employer to create an example by following the dress policy. If the boss is dressed according to the regulations, it is likely employees will be inclined to follow suit (no pun intended). There also should be enforcement of the dress policy, complete with disciplinary action for infractions.

Taking into account these factors, the creation of a dress policy should be easy and painless. Don't be shy about changing the policy if need be; just be sure to alert all employees to changes immediately. Taking employee opinions into account is key to making a dress policy work at your company. When the dress policy makes everyone happy, the company will run smoothly and efficiently while projecting an image of professionalism and unity.

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