Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wedding Cake


and Mousses

Pre-cooling of glasses of wine or champagne, and complete with:

, chocolate orange, lemon, mousse

• Rice, coconut rice or wild rice pudding

• Raspberry, hazelnut or regular tiramisu

• White chocolate, key lime, blackberry or biscuits perfect

• Heavy sweet whipped cream topped with seasonal fruits

If your budget for example, you can stack up to the individual size

, anise, pumpkin flan

• Crime Brule - regular, eggnog, blueberry, coffee, coconut

Levels Pastries

Cream puffs are king - and for good reason. Remember that cream puffs do not have to be round, you can use cookie cutters to fashion in many forms of creativity. You can also go beyond that and the battery in place:

• Gooey cinnamon rolls

• Funnel Cake

• Baklava

• Soufflé served in cups cream

• Cream horn, clear, St. Joseph's pastries, sfogliatella, cannoli, napoleons, babe rum

Rectly from the tablet

You will not be the first wife to try it. Stack levels high and proud or create an entire freestanding "cake" with:

• Sno Balls, Suzy Qs, HoHos, Ding Dongs, Twinkies

• Krispy Kreme donuts, Moon Pies

More options

• immersion of fruit in chocolate

• Chocolate Truffles

• A fountain of chocolate

• Sugar cookies or brownies with your initials in cellophane packaging

• Fancy pies: key lime, lemon, chocolate pecan, coconut cream, apple cranberry, macadamia nuts, peanut butter and white chocolate cream.

wedding cake chocolate

Whatever are your choose, try to keep the cake cutting part of your ceremony. The cutting of the cake is an ancient ritual and a powerful symbol of unity between the couple and their guests. It does not matter if you're really digging into a lemon meringue pie - your customers want to ooh and ahh as you cut it together and feed each other.


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